neurofibromatosis cafe

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Cathy Clark, Brandon, the Astros, McKee St Bridge and the Porch Swing Pub!!!

2371941305_07b85111b7.jpgAnother amazing day out at Minute Maid Park! Lou and I went to the Astros game today. We had a great time. The game was great and the Astros won! It was really nice to see so many nice people. Like Brandon, who saw me on TV2371932691_f9d3cf8d99.jpg and came up to introduce himself. Thank you for doing that!

I saw Cathy Clark, who was my bus driver when I was in school. Lets just say it was over 25 years ago when I used to ride the bus to school.

Cathy remembered me by name. I was so happy when she told me she use to drive me to school. Cathy works at the concession stand in Section 409 of Minute Maid and, I got to tell you, I’ve never been treated with more love and respect than from that entire food area!

2372768826_593ba917eb.jpgI think Cathy is a supervisor or some other type of important person because she was definitely in charge! What a great representative for the Houston Astros staff. Cathy, you made me feel so special and it means the world to me! Hope both you and Brandon will be a regular on my blog. Thank you both for making my day!

After the game, Lou and I went to the fabulous McKee Street Bridge and took some photos. WOW!!! 2372801080_fa310a4cba.jpgWhat a beautiful bridge and park! Lou’s friend, Kirk Farris, had single-handedly transformed this bridge and bayou area into a place that is totally cool, beautiful and peaceful! It’s just a few blocks north of Minute Maid Park on McKee Street just south of I-10.

2372900182_24194a87771.jpgOf course, taking all those photos at Minute Maid and McKee Street made us pretty hungry and thirsty so we went to the new Porch Swing Pub at Washington and Waugh in The Heights for crawfish!!! Man, oh, man, were they good! Lou had beer. I had Coke.

It was a beautiful day!

March 29, 2008 Posted by | Awareness, Friends, Fun, houston astros, Just Ask!, McKee Street Bridge, Porch Swing Pub | , , , | 220 Comments